Can't sleep


Every since I found out I was pregnant I've had all sorts of emotions and thoughts. Some where I find myself unsure how to feel as it was unexpected and I never thought at age 34 I'd fall pregnant after so many years with my partner I couldn't conceive. 13yrs together I had trouble getting pregnant. I was so heartbroken thinking I couldn't have any children so I raise a child as my own and his now 6 turning 7 in Dec and goes school is healthy and smart. I love him as if he was my very own flesh in blood as if I gave birth to him. So as years went by I started to believe I couldn't have children and my marriage fell apart to rock bottom my ex cheated on me and left me for a younger girl much younger, and I had lost myself and couldn't let him chuck everything we had over the years away over something ridiculous and a honest mistake, so I took matters in my own hands and caught the chick he left me for and assaulted her witch she charged me sending me to jail, I did 14 months in prison and lost my house everything in it, my son was taking from his family and the father and I both was incarcerated the child had been giving to one family after another,my jail time was like a nightmare I never ate slept or went a day without having a nervous breakdown, I never saw my son for the first 6, months it ruined me when I saw him, cause he was confused and I could see he was hurting missing me but was holding it all in. My boy was so strong and understanding. Months went by I was fighting the system to get home to my baby realize what I did was wrong. That I let a man continue to get into my head. I then said to myself enough is enough I went on fighting for freedom till I was sent to court for sentencing and the out come hit me like a a shock wave it was like my heart kept pursing in my chest. I was gutted and fall into pieces there in shackles handcuffed and sitting facing the judge with no emotion for the victim or myself or anything just emotions for my son who I was praying softly for to return home too. As the court continued without me there as my mind was else where, I hear my name and asking me if I have anything to say. I was like full of rage and wanted to explode and had everything repeating what I wanted to say, then when I opened my mouth I said I am truly sorry and I just wanna go home to my son and never leave his sight because I'm all my baby boy has and his all I have to look forward to. I haven't seen him in months and haven't hugged him in almost a year and I feel like I've abandoned him, he was supposed to be here today cause the jail is to far for his cares to travel plus covid restrictions. So I was hoping he'd be here just incase I don't go home today at least he saw mummy. And I spoke with tears running down my face and a burn in my throat. I then looked at the judge saying please I just wanted to go home to my baby. And he said I sentence you today 7 years with a time served of 13 months to continue your time outside on parole of 2yrs and 30 months probation order. Today I'll give you bail and I won't keep you another night away from your child. You may step down and your free to go. But first the watch house will process your bail paper work down stairs so you'll have to wait untill teased. I was at ease and grace I felt like I was giving a new life my son's has been washed away my pain was gone everything was gone. I was out by 4pm I went straight to the train station and caught the train to Northside and walked to where my son was living and when I got 2 houses closer I sang out top note singing his name out and he come running and his eyes and face lite like he was glad and was safe and secure his worries were all gone just like mine. And we've been together in separate since 22nd Jan 2021. Come March 13th I met a guy and we started talking I was getting ready for something new after 2yrs been single and wanting to move on from my past, we grew a relationship and he and I fell in love he treats my son with respect and love. And may I missed my period and June 4th I was feeling unwell and I was just bed riddle and sick by 13june I had gone to see a doctor when I was told I was 6, wks pregnant. I was Silent for a minute I was mind blowing away, cause I never thought I could fall pregnant and here I was sitting with my doctor shocked. Now I'm 10wks and going for my 12 weeks scan this month 26th August. My son is happy and me and my new partner are so excited. So my point is good things come to those who wait. And God seen the good in me, and waited for me to leave a relationship that was just a lie and waste of my life. Cause soon as I left and met someone who appreciate me and loved me better god blessed me and gave me what I always prayed for and I'm forever grateful.