Hating myself


I legit Am hating myself. I can’t stand how fat I am. I work out and try to eat healthy though I know I can do better. I hate how utterly exhausted I am by the time I get home. I teach PreK in public school and we start Wednesday although I’ve been back since the 9th.

I found out I’m pregnant at 9 dpo, which was August 7th. I didn’t have a period in June because I stopped Bc at the end of May and started using OPK in July.

I’m 33, have a 12 year old and almost 5 year old. I have hypothyroidism and generalized anxiety and depression. I stopped taking Lexapro when I got my positive, so my anxiety and depression are hitting as well as early pregnancy hormones. I’m overweight and I hate myself. I feel like the fat lard on my team and feel like some people are judging me. They don’t know I’m pregnant yet either, but I’m sure I won’t get the same response others get when they announce it. Whatever…anyways. Needed a vent/ self pitty sesh.