To delete or not delete?

Guy that I’ve been dating has not responded back to me or reached for over a week. He’s been not consistent and putting less effort. When I asked him way he said he was dealing with personal issues? Didn’t say what and thank me for offering my support. I’ve tried being there for him but he states it’s something he needs to work on by himself and after that silence. Is he really going through something or slow fading me?

I haven’t heard from him in a week and he hasn’t bothered to reach out to me or respond to my last text…I hate being petty or even showing someone they have upset me but at this rate I feel as I just need to pull away or cut my loss here. He’s active on social media but hasn’t bother to reach out…should I unfollow him or just block/unfollow completely where I also remove him from following me? Is this even the way to go? My friend said just to mute him to where I don’t get notified of his feed or stories.

I hate even thinking about this but I’m hurt. Everything was going well and he just changed out of the blue. And his no response at first made me think he really is going through something but seeing him super active on social media makes me think otherwise. I don’t know if I’m just being selfish or I should just give him his space but I would like to have least received a response from him but he hasn’t even bothered. Help, my thoughts are just running wild here….


After two whole weeks he reached texted me. A part of me wants to respond, but another me is just over it and not willing to go through something like this….I personally don’t want to ghost him myself because that’s just not me, but I almost don’t care because it keeps being me back to the he didn’t care to respond to you or even check in, but he was active on all social platforms…conflicted what to do in this situation….help?