Confused?? High, soft, & wet cervix

Kayla • Married & we had our perfect baby boy on 03/21/2015, Pierce Huntlee. He was 7lbs 10oz, & 19.5 in 💙
Okay girls. Need opinions. I am cd19 of 30. I didn't get a positive OPK this month, I got almost positive on Friday and Saturday. I'm pretty sure I ovulated Sunday morning at 4:30am bc I woke up with cramps. It was different then last month though. Different spot of cramping, more in the middle not on the side but not like af either. Anyway so if I go from that I would be 3dpo. Yesterday my cervix was rock hard, and pretty dry. Today I check and it's almost like ewcm and my cervix is high, soft, and wet again. Why would that be???