Ex husband keeps trying to reach out to get back with me but is with another woman. Should i tell her?

I am divorced from my ex husband and I left him because of his constant lying and cheating and manipulation. He caused so much harm and abuse that I couldn’t tell what was reality and what wasn’t real and convinced me it was all my fault. He’s tried to get me to come back to him and said he was wrong, etc but I’m over it and not disrespecting myself like that ever again.

Fast forward to today, I am currently pregnant and with a man who loves me in all the ways he didn’t. I am very happy and I have no intention of giving my ex any kind of attention.

However, because I left so suddenly, I left a lot of my memory things like my cap and gown from school, pictures of deceased family, gifts from deceased family, etc. so I contacted him in a very professional manner and asked him to ship my stuff and I would pay for shipping.

He did and what I found on the very top was horrifying. It was a letter stating that he would drop everything to me with me and we could run away together even though I was pregnant. He claims that he’s getting back in the army and going to AIT which is in the city that I am in and he now has my address because I stupidly asked him to send my things. He claimed he was wrong and he’s changed and all of this junk that hes tried to pull before. It also included our wedding pictures and the box he proposed with that was custom and his wedding band again, stating that I’m the love of his life and he will never love anyone ever again. He said to send what I didn’t want back to him. I threw it all away and am selling the ring because, well, I bought it. Lol. There is no sense in him hanging on to that anyway. It holds no personal value to him other than knowing he had that power over me in our marriage.

I just found out he’s had a girlfriend this whole time sending this. Should I tell her or should I just let it go?

I’d feel guilty if I did because he really is a manipulative piece of shit and caused so much emotional trauma that I still deal with. And then I’d feel guilty if I didn’t because I strongly believe he’s doing the same shit behind her back.

What do I do about this?