Bloated Uterus after Plan B/Period


I had protected sex 4 weeks ago, but my boyfriends condom slipped off when he pulled out after nutting. It was stuck inside of me, and we had to pull it out but the opening of the condom was sticking out of me, so I don’t think much sperm went inside of me if it did - maybe not even any. I took a Plan B the same day just in case.

and I GOT MY PERIOD! On time too (just 3 days late)! And my period ended 1.5 weeks ago. But for the last 2 days, I’ve been getting a weird pressure thing going on in my lower abdomen, specifically maybe around my uterus area, and my back is in so much pain. I’m bloated, and it’s lowkey freaking me out because I’ve been extra paranoid that maybe my body’s being weird.

I took a Plan B, got my period, I know I should be fine. But I’m just wondering if maybe it’s the Plan B that’s messing with my body and uterus. I plan to maybe take a pregnancy test but those give me anxiety since I really do not want to see any crazy news. Please let me know if any of you have experienced this type of bloating weeks after taking a Plan B while also getting your period!

Thanks for reading, just looking for reassurance / stories. :)