23 weeks pregnant and husband not being supportive


So I’m 23 weeks pregnant, my husband has been really good for the most part except when it comes to me working and doing the house chores. So I’m a ftm and this pregnancy is killing me. I never feel good and I’m so insecure and I never get any sleep so I’m always exhausted. Anyways, one day he saw me in pain and said “babe stay home today don’t go in, you should rest.” Okay great so I did. The next day I wasn’t feeling good again but I went in anyways because I can’t afford to stay home all the time but he told me to take another day off it’s fine. I didn’t. The NEXT day, I had no energy and ended up sleeping in an extra hour and just went in late (I’m allowed to do this at my job). BUT when I thought it was okay with husband I was dead wrong. He went OFF AT ME. He tracks my phone to see if I make it to work or not because he’s controlling like that. But he told me all I do is a screw him over, all I’m good at is watching tv (not true) I do all the house chores and I go to work so I really don’t understand why he said that. Anyways I’m in tears at this point at work which isn’t good for the baby. He’s just continuing to put me down and then later on he said he’s sorry and didn’t know I was feeling so bad and that he would be more respectful and understanding. Awesome okay. Cool. Well then this morning he keeps telling me what time it is because he thinks everyone should be up 2 hours early like him which I work less than a minute down the road and it takes me five minutes to get ready. Well I could tell he was in a bad mood or something and he kissed me goodbye but it wasn’t sincere like it was forced or something and he tells me the time again and I also ask him why is he doing dishes so early and he tells me because he wants them before he gets home so he did them but he said it rudely because the day before I just laid in bed after work because I was so tired. I guess he sees that as lazy even though I usually keep the house spotless but some days now I can’t do it. Anyway I told him to stop acting like my dad on keep telling me the time meanly and he said “well you won’t get up so I have to baby you” and that’s on just sleeping in 1 day when he told me to just stay home the day before. 🙄 anyways he keeps pretending to apologize just to get mad at me and put me down later on. Advice needed cuz I’m tired of this out of nowhere. He pretends to be such a loving husband to just do a whole 360 and be a whole different guy who expects a lot out of me right now even though I’m not him and I can’t just get up like him sometimes. Help me please.