My birth story FTM

Bloody show around midnight aug 9-10

steady contractions 5-20 mins intervals for all day since 8 am on 10th

Couldn’t sleep all night cuz of super painful contractions that were spaced 7 minutes apart

On the 11th went to L&D 8am

Got admitted cuz 4 cm dilated and super painful contractions

100% effaced and baby at station 0

Labored till 6:30 pm then did epidural cuz contractions were basically unbearable at that point even though I had laughing gas to cope

Was barely conscious/coping during activation of epidural

7:50 pm was 6.5 dilated

At 12:20 midnight was dilated to 8 cm

Finally got some rest during the night cuz didn’t feel any contractions or pain

At 6 am was 100% dilated

At 7:30 started pushing

Baby James was born 8:21 am

Healthy boy at 39 weeks 5 days, 5 lbs 9 oz, 19 inches long

Was on epidural only during pushing

Only two stitches for vaginal tearing

Took shower immediately after!