Lab with UTI and now motor control issues?


Let me preface this by saying I have already called our vet. He had to make a house call to a farm to treat a cow and I am awaiting a call back. This may be a little lengthy but I’ll try to keep it short.

Sunday I noticed one of our labs was peeing very frequently. He had been drinking quite a bit of water because it was a hot day, so I just watched him. Early the next morning, he had an accident on the carpet after he had been outside, which is completely out of character for him. I noticed it had a pink tint to it. Called first thing when the vet’s office opened. He was otherwise acting fine, so they had me get a urine sample and bring it in. They said he had a pretty significant UTI and put him on Cephalexin and also Deramaxx for pain/inflammation. Told me if it hasn’t cleared up by the time he’s done with the antibiotic to bring him in for X-rays to check for a kidney stone. It has seemed to help quite a bit. He’s still peeing more frequently, but not to the point of having accidents. I have been setting an alarm to take him out at night.

Well this morning, both of my labs were out with me while I was doing morning chores on our small hobby farm. They do this every morning. They started playing with a rope toy. Weren’t really rough housing, but got pretty wound up so I made them stop because I don’t want the one with the UTI doing too much until he’s 100% better. My sick boy started walking kind of strange. He was bumping into things in the barn and stumbling a little. At one point I thought he was going to fall over. They have fresh water outside, but I grabbed the hose and ran it in a bowl in the barn and he drank a bunch of water. I also wet him down a little because he was panting quite a bit. He seemed completely fine after getting a drink and has been fine since.

Really what I’m wondering is - has anyone had a dog with a UTI, or one that has taken Cephalexin for something else, and had motor control problems? I’m sure our vet will have some insight, I’m just nervous in the meantime and hoping someone can put my mind at ease. The office did say since he’s fine now that I shouldn’t have to rush to the emergency vet (as long as he stays that way)