Going stir crazy here

So I've been at home for 5 weeks with my newborn and 2 year old. Our support system has kind of fallen apart with covid and my husband having to unexpectedly travel for work a lot. And we had one of our cars break down so I don't have a car when he's gone for work. My children are my world. But it's obvious I'm showing signs of developing ppd again. Had it at 4 months pp with my first. I desperately need my MIL to pick my toddler up and let her spend a few hours with her tomorrow but my brain is telling me I'm a bad mom for doing that. It's obvious my toddler needs out of the house.

My mil is great with her and she loves her dearly. My FIL is another story and kinda drives my toddler crazy just bc he's constantly trying to get her attention but he won't be home with them very long bc of work.

I just need some encouragement that it's okay to let her go for the day. Please be kind. I know I'm being weird about this and I will be resuming therapy again.


An overwhelmed but clingy mom LOL