I'm just not cool I guess

I'm just here to vent lol...I'm sorry if you can relate.

Even before becoming a mom, I didn't have friends. I suffer from severe social anxiety.

After becoming a mom, my only support system and closest things to friends are my husband and my mother. I don't speak to my sister, and most of my extended family doesn't like me for unknown reasons.

With being a mom, a stay at home mom at that, with no friends, I am struggling with my loneliness. I am lucky to have a perfect angel for a child (who is almost 2), but it's still hard.

Anyways...my cousins wife was having a baby shower. He is one of the few cousins I connect with from time to time, so I went. There were so many other moms there and I felt like I had a chance to make some friends.

I sat near to ladies with two ladies with boys near my daughter's age. They were super nice and I tried my hardest to act normal because my social anxiety can make me a little stand offish. I helped them with their boys and it was a good time.

Eventually another girl with no children comes up and sits with us..very trendy pretty and skinny. She was very outgoing and funny, but seemed to not want anything to do with me. The other moms started ignoring me too.

At the end, i overheard one of the two mom friends say "You are so pretty. We should hang out" she said "Of course!" And the other mom said "Okay! Want to exchange numbers??"

It was hard not to have hurt feelings. I know I could've made the first move and asked them to hang out but it felt like I wasn't cool enough. Funny how I'm 27 and still struggling with not feeling like I fit in anywhere just like in high school.

I wish I could just be like everyone else.