My 2.5 year old keeps waking up at night!


So about almost a month ago we transitioned our daughter from our bed to her own bed in her room right next to ours, when she was sleeping in our bed she would sit up and then I’d go back and lay her down. But now she’ll wake up to three times a night and I am exhausted every night I put her to bed at 9 and she’ll wake up around 12:30am, then 3ish am and she takes forever to fall back asleep and she’ll tell me “I wanna sleep with you mommy” and at that time I just give up because I’m so tired and frustrated that I bring her to my bed. The first few days she wouldn’t wake up till 5:30am and that was perfectly fine with me because my hubby gets up at 6 for work and we would have the bed to our selfs. But now I don’t know what to do. ): and advice?