Name calling SAHM

When having a disagreement with your significant other, does one or the other of you insult the other?

I've been with my husband for 12 years, married for 4. A toddler and a baby. He has started calling me names more and more often when we are in a disagreement. Its roughly weekly and will be something like 'cow' or 'bitch'. Today it was 'boring old tart' which is a new one. The worst has been the 'c- word'. It usually said with venom behind it. I guess I'm looking to see how normal this is in the heat of the moment or whether its as bad as it seems to me? I have brought it up and he said he understands and won't do it again, but does.

I'm also interested for you SAHMs to know if your s/o uses not working against you? I am forever told that I don't go to work...don't have a job... don't do anything all day because I am a SAHM. (I gave up a career I adored to be a SAHM as we both wanted our children to be raised by us until school age. I would also gladly do it again for these beautiful little babies so I'm definitely not complaining about being a SAHM, I just find the attitude a little demoralising as I feel like I am on the go non-stop).

Opinions gratefully received 🙂