33 weeks today. Inpatient due to preterm labor since 26 weeks. 3.5 cm, 80% Effaced cervix still posterior


Hello everyone. This has been a long journey for me. I’m at blessed to have made it to 33 weeks but I’m in pain from contractions. I seem to contract daily but sometimes they get so strong that I feel like I’m in active labor and at times like in need to push. The baby is very low.

Yesterday was one of those painful days of strong contractions. My doctor does a membrane sweep to try to help the contractions make some progress as I’ve been in this pain since 26 weeks. So far I’m still only 3.5 cm dilated and 80% effaced. The doctor told me my cervix is so posterior that he could hardly reach it. My question is has any of you had a posterior cervix and when did it move to posterior or if it never did. Also, have you had a membrane sweep and how long afterwards did real labor begin. And finally any mom’s deliver at 33 weeks? How was baby and how long was nicu stay?