Could i have ovulated? If so are my chances good?

So i started my period about 8 days early this month. (I think from recent stress) so i got lucky with that because that meant i was in my fertile window when my truck driver husband came home.

We baby danced the 13th, 14th, 15th. CD 7,8,9. the two months i tracked ovulation i peaked on CD 11. I ran out of strips so i couldn’t confirm.

So even if my period started early could i still have ovulated on my normal cycle day? And if i did, was my chances of conceiving good since i didn’t baby dance on peak day? I had cramps yesterday and I’m wondering if they was ovulation. So if i ovulated on CD 13, Could i still have gotten pregnant 4-5 days after sex? I know sperm lives for 5 days.. but i just hope the chances are still good.