
Tabitha • My name is Tabitha I`m 25::Mama to my amazing son::Wife to my crazy husband:: Baby Number 2 due 7-18-2016 👩🏻👨🏼👦🏽❤️
Ok so to make a long story short I'm about 99% sure I have herpes and so does my husband this all started last year...had an "outbreak" was in so much pain down there felt like I had the flu and like I was dying lol and afterwards had several more that were not near as bad. The issue is I went to the clinic too long after the initial outbreak for them to do the test where they scrape the sore and give u the results was told to come back next time I had one because that was the only for sure way to test. Well every time I tried to go some how there would be a timing or money issue and I couldn't be seen soon enough. I have talked to my SIL and friend that has it they say ya you got it even gave me some valtrex which cleared it up my old obgyn said Ya You probably do but we need to do the test well now I have moved and when I go to my doctor I'm going to tell them but I haven't had an outbreak so how are they gonna test me everyone has told me that is the only way of testing and I'm pregnant I don't want to give birth vaginally and hurt my baby in the process what do I do? Obviously no one wants herpes and I'm not just saying this how is there no other way to test ????help please