Random mid-cycle bleeding- please help

S • 🇺🇲🇸🇪🔹💍🔹👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻 2 MMC + 2 chemicals 🖤 🔹 TTC#1

TMI post about mid-cycle bleeding-

*I don't know if this is the correct group so if it's not, I will gladly move my post.

I don't post on here often, but my gyno office is closed over the weekend and this isn't an emergency so I'm not going to urgent care or the hospital about it. I am in my fertile week and when I went to use the restroom, my underwear had period-like blood in them. It completely shocked me because I'm on CD 17 and I have a 28 day cycle. I did get my period earlier this month so I'm not pregnant. I haven't had mid-cycle bleeding since I miscarried in October 2020 and had mid-cycle spotting for 3 months afterwards since my hormones were out of whack. I normally don't bleed during ovulation and this isn't spotting. I did get my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine last month and my period this month was a day shorter and really heavy and painful so I'm wondering if this bleeding could be caused by the vaccine. I know that the vaccine can cause temporary changes to some women's cycles and it definitely has to mine since I got the first dose. This is, however, the first time I've had mid-cycle bleeding since getting vaccinated, which is why I'm confused.

I'm trying not to worry, but I've had 2 miscarriages in the past year and I don't want this to mean something is wrong with my hormones or reproductive system. I've had several ultrasounds over the past year after my miscarriages and the doctors have seen nothing wrong.

Has anyone had this??

I will be calling my gyno office on Monday morning.