Is anyone else having panic episodes as their due day draws near?

So, I'm going to be a first time mom and a single mom at that. I've had a really rough pregnancy with lots of bleeding and had to spend almost two months in the hospital hoping my little girl wasn't coming just yet. Now her due day is drawing near and it seems she isn't planning on leaving but that's for another conversation. Has anyone else suddenly have panic episodes all the time? And sometimes it is about nothing? The closer the due date comes, the more terrified I feel over silly things. I can't stop crying all the time. I'm afraid of SIDS, I'm afraid of the weather when I go to bring her home, I'm afraid I won't know when she is sick or what she is wanting, afraid I'll dress her too warm or not warm enough. And now, thanks to Pinterest I now have new fears about things like her being born without skin and other such things. I just feel on edge all the time and I can't work at the moment due to the past complications so I feel like I have all day alone to soak in fear of everything. I just want to know if anyone else is having problems with panic episodes as their day draws near?