Had an insurance scare!

Yesterday at my last prenatal appointment before I am to be induced, my doctors office told me my insurance dropped me. I haven't heard from them at all about anything, and I was confused since I have been making payments. When I am finally able to get a hold of my insurance, they tell me I haven't paid since October.... Yet we have. So apparently they didn't apply my November payment or my December payment. And when I called on November 31st to verify my payment, they told me I was completely up to date with a credit of 4 dollars. So yesterday I was completely confused and was told they had terminated me on the third. However I received nothing about this in email or mail or a phone call. While on the phone I started crying because all I could think is I'm having my little girl in 7 days and I have no insurance now. My husband tried to comfort me but I was freaking out all night. This morning I received a phone call that they decided to reinstate me since I could pay both months today. I don't think I have felt move relieved this entire pregnancy. Thank god!