Histamine intolerance or food allergies?

So my daughter was having stomach issues back in March/April after an upper respiratory infection

She’d constantly complain that her stomach hurt. It then turned into having diarrhea only about once or twice and then turned into vomiting after certain foods

I could never pinpoint the foods because she would always throw up the next day

We got her allergy tested (blood test & it showed food allergies but everything was so minor. We then did the skin prick test & pretty much everything came back negative

She’s obviously having something going on cause she’d still throw up at times if I didn’t watch what she ate. She still isn’t eating any of the food allergens that originally came back positive since I’m not sure if she was just having delayed allergic reactions & it wasn’t showing up in the tests or what

I just found out about a histamine intolerance & im wondering if that could potentially cause vomiting the next day? The thing is she just had a banana/avocado smoothie yesterday which is supposedly high in histamine yet didn’t vomit BUT she did state after drinking it that her belly hurt and today she’s been very congested (she also has pet dander/dust mite allergies & I have multiple cats so not sure if today it was just acting up or could be from histamine intolerance)

A couple weeks ago she vomited & the only new foods I gave her were barely, spaghetti squash & she tried a bite of sauerkraut but spit it out ~ sauerkraut is high in histamines but if she spit it out would that still have caused vomiting the next day? She’s currently eating bread with barely in it so don’t think she was allergic to that one which leaves the spaghetti squash?

Allergist really didn’t give us any useful tips just recommended us to see a pediatric gastroenterologist which our insurance still hasn’t approved