Am I wrong?

Sorry for the long post but I just want to get all the details in.

I made a friend 2 months ago and we clicked very quickly. We are both from the same region but living in Europe so it was quite nice to make a friend that share our culture.

My friend's (let's call her Sarah) daughters' birthday was coming up and she asked me if i can do her daughters hair because her daughter likes the way I do my hair and she wanted it like that. So I happily obliged.

On the day i was to do her daughter hair a couple of things happened:

Day 1: She came 2.5 hours late. In fact, every time we are to meet up she is always 1-3 hours late. At that point, i was irritated but still kept my cool because it was for her daughters birthday. I was not able to braid her daughters hair because i had to wash it and take out the knots (her daughters hair had not been done for 4 or 5 months at this point) and treat it and take my time with it because her daughter scalp is sensitive.

Day 2: she came late again but it was whatever. I began braiding. But I wasn't braiding fast enough for them. Her daughter became quite upset because apparently she was suppose to meet up with a friend(have a play date). That irritated the hell out of me but i again i kept my cool because i suck at exoressing any negative feelings. So in an attempt to try and help me finish on time Sarah decided to help me Braid but her braids were horrible and her daughter was complaining it was too tight. It was a whole mess. A disaster. And to make matters worst. We ran out of braids. I had some of mine but they didn't want it because it was a different colour. (I thought it could still be used because it was just a small space at the back but I was not gonna force it in them). Sarah said she would buy another pack of braids and return tomorrow so i can finish up. We agreed same time tomorrow (12pm).

Day 3: Sarah messaged me at 4:30pm saying she's coming over. At this point i had it with her. So I told her I was going grocery shopping (which was true, just not at that exact point) and my husband and I have some other things to do. Sarah said okay, she will come tomorrow then.

Day 4: I messaged Sarah at 8:37am and ask her when she's coming over. She replied at 2:43pm with " idk, megan (alias) is still asleep". Yall, I didn't reply. I just read the message. I just couldn't. I thought she when her daughter was awake she would message me and ask if it was okay to come over or something of that nature, but no. She said nothing and I didn't say anything either.

That evening she invited us to her daughters birthday event but my husband wouldn't be available so she told me not to worry then. I asked if her daughter is coming the next day to do her hair because at this point it was too late to come over. She said she don't know and she what time should she come over. I told her 12 pm is fine then she said she can't make it and I said okay and that was the end of it but i realise 2 minutes after that conversation she would post some type of message on her status that is closely related to our situation and it got me wondering if i was wrong???

I have a 5 month old daughter who I'm trying to get into a routine and other things like work (i make my own schedule so work is flexible for me but i still need to get 6-8 hours in) and some "me" time. Please let me know what you think because I'm confused. This is exactly why I stay to myself. Relationships outside my husband and daughter are complicated!

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