No support person- delivered alone


Has anyone ever not had a support person and delivered alone? This weekend I had to call the cops on my then boyfriend and he has been charged with domestic violence, disorderly conduct and criminal damaging. He went to jail but his parents bailed him out an hour later. After he was bailed out of jail he came home and burnt everything that I own. I was left with only the clothes on my back. Fortunately he didn’t touch the things in my daughters room (she had a different dad).. Tomorrow I am going to file a CPO.

Originally we planned on it only being the two of us in the delivery room. Since I have to get a CPO, I can’t and don’t want him in the room. I almost kind of want to deliver alone. I’ve got myself in this mess and now I need to figure it out. We planned this pregnancy. I had no idea he was a monster. Had I known, I wouldn’t have brought a child into this with him.

Thoughts? Ideas?