My Ex Won’t Move On!


So I am now 21, My ex and I were together back when we were 18 and was together for 9 months. Our relationship was great and I was in love with him Until he Broke Up With Me lol. I can laugh about it now because I have completely moved on and I have been in a year long relationship with my current boyfriend.

I was honestly heart broken when my ex broke up with me. I was barely eating or sleeping and I guess it had something to do with us being an hour away idk. He told me he was getting bored and that I needed to focus on myself. After that I was blocked and he started talking to other females.

After a while I just stopped caring about the breakup. I moved on as well and went back to enjoying life. I met my current boyfriend, Gotten my own place and I had no thought about my past relationship.

But to sum it up he texted me the beginning of this year wanting to reconnect and I was open to a friendship with him because there’s no bad blood on my end, I moved on so I don’t really care. But apparently the whole time we weren’t together he didn’t move on and still hasn’t moved on till this day. Now everytime he texts me he’s always calling me baby and just other names you wouldn’t normally call your ex.

He’s always asking me to send him pictures of myself and other times when I ignore him he tells me how he’s been sad and depressed because he misses us. I just been ignoring his messages for weeks and months because I want nothing more than to just be cordial with him. I’m not in love with him, not attracted to him I completely fell out of love with him during the breakup. But at the same time I try to check on him making sure he’s doing okay. Just to be supportive ya know.

I’ve been distancing myself from him because I don’t want him to feel like he’s getting led on, Its just annoying having to repeatedly tell him to stop calling me baby and that things are not how they used to be 😐 he’s even starting to call and text at 4am and I’m on the verge of blocking him.