12 weeks!!!!

Lindsey • Mother to 💜, 😇, and 💙

I am so excited to be entering second trimester!!! I finally had some energy yesterday. Did like 4 loads of laundry, cleaned the car, rearranged my daughters room, packed for a trip to g-ma’s. Last week, this would not have happened. Anyone else feel like you’re rounding a corner?

I also have my 12 week ultrasound tomorrow and I am so excited to see baby #3! My daughter, Fiona is 2.5 years old and has been a handful recently, Louella (who would be almost 1.5) was a 3rd trimester loss, so this pregnancy has felt so bizarre. Doing my best to stay positive and get my fix of assurance at there dr. Visits.

On a completely unrelated note…I got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine a while ago, but now am hearing that it isn’t as effective against the delta variant. Anyone know anything about the possibility of doubling down with moderna or phizer? Risks of double vaccination? Risk to baby in general?