Ok this is kind of a silly post sorry FTM


We recently moved into a 3 bedroom apartment. We have lived in two other 2 bedroom apartments, so one room was my boyfriends and mine, the other was for his kids when they were over. Him and his ex wife have 50/50 custody but she lived a few blocks away so the kids come and go as they please. Which is fine, not the problem. This meant though that I never got to make a nursery for my son, he got his own room, he stayed in our room and all his toys in the living room. So we finally get this 3 bedroom apartment. And I go crazy completely decorate one of the bedrooms in dinosaurs. Get it set up all nice for my son, even got a sign with his name on it for the door. So excited for him to finally have his own room and his own space. But ever since we moved my 6 year old step daughter. Who doesn’t have a room at her moms house by the way. She still sleeps with her mom. Like seriously everyday has walked in and gone “I’m going to my room now.” Even to the point of going in my sons rooming taking the toy he’s playing with and putting it in the living room, essentially kicking him out of the room. And like today she came out and said “the tv in my room isn’t working” and I replied with “ya the tv in Nikos room is broken I’ll try and fix it later, but your leaving soon so just turn it off for now.”

To which she turned to her dad and said “dad can you come fix the tv in the kids room.”

And this past week Iv actually been able to get my son to sleep in his own room, which he co slept with us for the last 2 years so I’m very excited for this. I went to put him to sleep the other nite and when my boyfriend came home the 6 year old ran to him and said “I can’t sleep in my bed.” And my boyfriend was all like “why doesn’t he sleep us when she’s here.” But I don’t think I should have to give up days of progress especially when my boyfriend and I talked about this and he agreed that my son was getting older and he needed his own bed and my boyfriend gets out late so I’m the one who has to put my son to sleep at night anyways.

To me this reads as a power struggle and it’s driving me insane or am I just being way to sensitive about this.