
Might be long, sorry.

But I’m a little freaked out after googling haha

My AF is due the 26th.

I’m on a regular cycle- typically 28 days, sometimes 29.

Last Thursday, I noticed some light pink blood after sex. I thought maybe we had just been a little rough (sorry TMI) and didn’t think anything else of it

The next day, it was brown when I wiped.

The next day, nothing all day, then brown again when I wiped.

Thought maybe it was my period coming a week early?

Yesterday, we went out on the boat, so I put a tampon in just in case. We got off, I changed it, and there was DARK brown blood. So I put another one in.

Worked out, had dinner, took that one out, and it had an little bit of brown.

Today, nothing.

No cramps or anything, but my boobs were VERY sore when this brown blood was happening. Only an little tender now.

Anyway, I googled and Google says this sounds like implantation bleeding...

I’m scared to test lol should I wait until I miss my actual AF date, which is 3 days from now?

Anybody had this happen and ended up being pregnant?!