Am I wrong?

Last year my boyfriend was a big peice of shit. Treated me the worst. The last straw was when he went on vacation, we had agreed we were going to see each other when we got back from his vacation. That day I cooked up a bunch of foods and pastries. He stood me up and left with his friends. I got mad and he ended up breaking up with me.

I admitted to him that during this time I wished everything he'd put out into the universe return to him. If it's good then good, if it's bad then that.

He went to jail for 4 months. Fast foward we got back a few months later. I admitted this to him about a week ago. Now he is blaming me for him going to jail said "it's because you wished me bad. How could possibly love me and wish me the worst."

I think it's ridiculous. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time I have nothing to do with what happened to him.

A couple of days ago he went to the casino and was set that he was going to win 10k or more. I told him "the chances of actually winning are slim to none." He ended up losing almost 1k. Then blamed me for losing the 💰. He said it's my fault because I didn't wish him well. I said "i wish you well but im sorry...I'm a realist..."