

Ok so I have been on in awhile because me and my dude got back together and yes I know I shouldn't have gotten back with him but things have gotten worse and I'm trying to cut ties so once again he thinks I'm cheating I am now staying at home due to my health and he is the one that's working. So last night we were up arguing so like I said once again he thinks I'm cheating now he's trying to say that I am messing with my friend's son, I'm hiding someone in my daughter's room. he was looking under the beds and couches and yes to me that's a red flag that he's on some type of drug. So today is the end. he's leaving he's getting all his stuff and moving out. I can't take it anymore because he told me he does not want me talking to anybody none of my friends because my friends just bring people over to my house which isn't true. And that was just the last straw he's trying to isolate me so this time it will sticks . I just need to take care of me and my daughter.