

Anyone else dealing from almost daily headaches? Food aversions also don’t help on top of it. I drink a lot of water, my high risk dr has me on a bunch of vitamins I started yesterday (calcium, omega 3 fatty acid, folic acid, on top of my iron pills and prenatals. He also has me on low dose aspirin to help prevent preeclampsia since I was on the verge of developing it in my last pregnancy (was induced at 37 weeks due to gestational diabetes and had protein in my urine plus high blood pressure). I also have GD this pregnancy and will most likely start insulin in 2 weeks. I’m only 11w4d pregnant.

I’m thinking about booking a spa treatment, my last one was on my honeymoon 2 years ago and since I’m suffering from neck, shoulder, and back pain I hope it helps. Any tips for the headaches beside massage? I used to get chronic headaches but it got better when I moved countries