Ovulation after clomid


Hey ladies,

So this is my first cycle taking clomid I’m also on 1000mg of metformin. My doctor isn’t a fertility specialist so basically I was prescribed clomid told to take on CD 5-9 with really nothing other then “let’s hope this works if it doesn’t it wasn’t meant to be” .

This is just my first step so if this fails I will see a specialist. I learned I have pcos, and that’s why I started the metformin. I have gotten pregnant 1 time with a early miscarriage but we have been trying for 4 years.

Here’s my questions I was hoping maybe someone could answer for me or give me some insight while I look for a more insightful doctor.

I started taking ovulation test the day after I finished my last pill, I was testing every other day because of you see in the photo It was light which for me normally means I got some time, mind you I started testing CD 10, 12, 13 I’m now on CD17 but as you can see the first 3 test we’re super light and on CD 16 I had a gut feeling to test and it was positive. I took a second one later in the day just to see and it was even more positive (app says it’s my peak) I just took a CD 17 test and as you can see it’s positive. I’m only taking more test after the first positive only because it’s my first cycle with clomid and I’m curious how long it stay positive as without clomid it’s negative within a day of the surge.

Iv never had it where it’s completely negative and then BAM it’s positive with no progression, Iv always had the line get darker over time. Im sure it’s caused by the clomid but is that normal? I did research about a trigger shot, and worried that even though I’m getting a positive is it possible to still not ovulate?

Any advice from those with a first cycle success on clomid would be wonderful no one in my family or friend group knows I’m doing this or that I’m struggling so I just need some ladies to help clear my mind.