I messed up

Hannah • Mommy to 2 Angels 👼 💜💚 currently pregnant with my rainbow

So I think I messed up in my new relationship. My ex husband and I were together for 10 years, and we are freshly divorced after he cheated on me.

We have dogs together and still co-exist in a house, until I can start a lease somewhere else.

I moved on about a month ago with someone new. We hit it off so well, and we’ve been spending a lot of time together to get to know each other.

Well last night my ex husband had called me about a problem at the house. At the end of the conversation it was a quick reaction of “love you, bye”. Because after being with someone for so long, it’s just a habitual reaction at this point. And it truly was an accident.

But my new boyfriend seems to have been very upset over it. I tried to explain that it was just a reaction, and he denied me and said “no it wasn’t, I’m not sure if you were just too high, or what..”

And now he’s being extremely cold towards me and shut down. I’m not sure how to help or apologize for something like this, even after I’ve said I was sorry. Part of me also doesn’t think it’s worth it.