What can I do to help my toddler?


I have a toddler who will be 4 in about 2 weeks. We’ve been working on potty training and when it comes to peeing he’ll pull down his underwear and go when he has to pee😁. Now when it comes to pooping he just absolutely won’t go, he’ll wait until nap time or bedtime to poop when I put the pull-up on him🙄🤦🏽‍♀️. I’ve tried having him sit on the potty with his tablet, toys, books, apple juice and he won’t go, even tried putting the pull-up on the potty seat. I feel like such a bad mom because I see so many other toddlers his age fully potty trained and getting to start school because they’re fully potty trained, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong or what to even do anymore to help him want to poop on the potty. Any tips or ideas would be so helpful 😥