Ultrasound tech wouldn’t tell me anything…?!


So, I’ve been having some spotting on and off this week, usually brown but it was bright red this morning. My midwife said prob everything is fine but let’s send you for a scan. I’m 10+6 today btw and got a heartbeat at 6+4. I go to the scan, tech wouldn’t show me anything or say anything. Then she was like ok all done I should be able to send the results to your midwife today. I asked if she could tell me ANYTHING and she said no and just left the room.

I’ve never had this happen before… I know techs aren’t supposed to say anything but they usually let you see the babe at least. Anyway, I feel like it’s because something is wrong. No call from my midwife yet…

Anyone been through this?? Im in Ontario btw.