16dpo bfn no af did I ovulate late?


Glow has never EVER been wrong about my period coming. Literally every time it says my period is coming, it comes. Well it was supposed to start 2 days ago and there’s no sign of it coming. I tested with 7 different tests at 9 and 10dpo and they all was positive with faint lines.. also confirmed ovulation with clear blue digital and strips. From 11 dpo I have tested NEGATIVE!! I’m 16 dpo and my period isn’t even trying to come on. What is going on!? I’m not stressed and have no health issues. Also my period is regular so I’m very confused 😕 if I’m not pregnant, why won’t my period start? I’m ready to go ahead and start the next cycle man what’s the hold up? Please don’t say chemical because I haven’t bled or had any spotting not once after the positives.