35 weeks but I feel like she’s coming any time

RS • Baby girl born August 2019👶🏻 💕 Baby #2 Oct 2021 ✨

I’m 35 weeks today with my second baby girl, when I went In for my 33 week scan they said I was measuring ahead almost a week and a half and I’m much bigger than I was with my first and also this little one is so so active and rough in there I feel like she’s going to punch her way out any time! Trying to deep clean my house and make sure everything is ready by at least the end of next week just in case we have an early one! My first was born at 38 weeks so I’m wondering if this one will come just as early if not earlier or even later who knows all I know is I’m not ready mentally lol I don’t know how I’m going to handle a 2 year old and a newborn with very limited help but hoping we’ll figure it out! Good luck mamas!! Also packing my hospital bag this weekend so I can have that out of the way too!! 💜💜