Kidney pain?


Hey everyone.. so this is random. I’ve been working a lot and haven’t had time to go to my doctor this week- but if it’s still bothering me Monday I’ll be making an appointment.

So a few days ago... I believe it was Thursday I was sitting at work and suddenly started to feel a pain where my left kidney is. Not a sharp pain, I’m not sure how to explain it. Maybe like a dull cramp pain? It isn’t constant, but Thursday it lasted about 4 hours, then went away, then came back around 930 pm. After that I was fine then randomly mid day Friday it began for a little bit on and off. It then went away again, and now it’s 7:00 pm and began again. And during the time it’s acting up it’s not a constant thing, it’s random during that time frame. I haven’t had any UTIs that I am aware of, no fever, chills etc.

Does anyone have any ideas, or experienced this? I’m not so concerned to go to the hospital, or urgent care as I don’t want to spend my only day off there for the whole day - and feel like it can wait until Monday when I can get into my primary care physician.

Thanks I’m advance for any thoughts you guys have💕