Glucose Tolerance Test

Just wanted to give all of you a heads up if you haven't done your glucose tolerance test yet. I had my first blood draw at 8:00am, chugged the sickly-sweet drink, and the lab tech told me I was free to walk around and come back for my second draw in an hour.
I went across the street to Target, and walked around for about 20mins before I started feeling really nauseous and light headed. I ended up having to sit on the floor of Target with my head between my legs for a few minutes until I felt better. It was super embarrassing, and I had to convince several people not to call an ambulance! I made it back for my second blood draw, and I'm fine now, but when that sugary drink hit my system it was rough! 
If you go for your test don't try to be a hero and Christmas shop at Target too!