
Our daughter (9 momths) has been smacking her ears and randomly tilts her head several times a day. She acts like her ears are bothering her. I took her to the pediatrician and they want to do an EEG to make sure theres no seizure activity. I am not totally against it but I know my baby and she will not tolerate it very well. Her dad and I feel she should be seen by an ent before proceeding with more extensive tests. She is doing all the things my sister and I did as a baby and later found we needed tubes in our ears. However, when I messaged the doctor with my concerns she told me her ears look fine upon exam and she can't justify a reason to see an ENT. I feel as her mom I should be heard and even if her ears check out fine that she still needs to be seen by an ENT. I'm not understanding why they are jumping to such a difficult test instead of starting small and working up to an EEG. Do I have a right to request her to see an ENT? What is your opinion?