Think the tech ruined gender reveal surprise..

We finally had our gender ultrasound today and we told the tech it was for a gender reveal so she wouldn't tell us the sex. So after she finally got the baby to show her the goods we got to see the profile and then she said "she" but quickly told us to ignore her that she always does that.. We had our heart on a boy but of course will love another little girl just as much but I feel like she more than likely spoiled the surprise. Has anyone had the tech say he or she and it not be that?
Our reveal is Saturday so won't know for sure until then if she spoiled it. 
Update: she ruined it but happy to have another princess just unhappy to have paid $50 for a ruined surprise and some terrible ultrasound photos! 
Suppose to look more pink but that's our gender reveal and might I add I did the shooting 😋 only 85 yards but tiny target 💪🏽