Anyone here?

Kathleen • Due with #2 June ‘19! Big brother Leo excited to meet his sibling. Previous struggles with loss and infertility due to PCOS. Excited this pregnancy is healthy so far!
Hey ladies.
Feeling grumpy and alone tonight.
Started my SIXTH round of Clomid yesterday marking 15 months without a BFP.
Doctor started me on Metformin last month because my body stopped responding to the clomid in October. Didn't work again in November so we've upped the dosage.
Metformin SUCKS. I feel nauceous all the time. I've lost my appetite. I take some enormous dumps on the toilet. I can't even tolerate the full amount I should be taking.
Also, currently 4 weeks gluten, dairy, caffeine, and added sugar free because I'm just THAT desperate. Doc said reducing inflammation could help my hormones regulate themselves. At this point I'll try anything.
On the plus side, I've lost 12 pounds thanks to the diet and metformin.
Every month, I think... Maybe this will be the one. And then every time I'm crushed. I can't even image the couples who start counting by years instead of by months.