Will my period still show if doing ivf?

Liv • 2ectopics=Tubeless=IVF. 35yo, 1st&2nd FET Neg, 3rd FET MC, 6wk👼🏻.4th FET Neg,5th FET ID twin boys born 28wks,4yo.6th & 7th FET failed.8th FET baby girl born 29wks.

Hi Everyone, not sure how to put this but I’ll try. I did a frozen embryo transfer, I’m on progesterone injections and e2v injections. 8dp5dt In a regular pregnancy a women waits for her period to show or not to indicate if they might be pregnant or not. If I’m not pregnant this time around will my period still show up? Or will it not show due to all the meds I’m on?