My two year old won’t sleep!


My son has had a problem sleeping for as long as I can remember. He slept alright as a baby but as he got older his sleeping habits got worse. He used to fall asleep at a normal time then wake up once or twice for a bottle when he was about 8months- a year. The. We took bottles away and he would still wake up 1-2 times per night and he just wouldn’t go back to bed. Now he’s two and he won’t go to bed at a normal time. If I somehow get him to bed before 10pm he’s up by midnight and I cannot get him back to sleep until 3-4am. He normally goes to bed around midnight and then sleeps through the night however that’s still not normal! I don’t get me time at night because he’s up all night long. It’s insane. I’ve cut out his names, I’ve tried earlier naps, shorter naps, etc. nothing helps. I’ve tried warm baths before bed, I usually turn the lights off 30 minutes before I lay him down to sleep and nothing seems to work. I’m 12 weeks pregnant with my third and I’m terrified his sleep schedule will still be hectic by the time the new baby gets here. I know that’s still months away but it worries me. Help 😭