I’m freaking out… help


I’ve been ttc for almost 4 years finally figured out what was wrong I had pcos and high prolactin so I was put on metformin and cabergoline I lowered my prolactin and the doctor put my on Letrozole.. the months I wasn’t on the letrozole I wasn’t getting positive ovulation blood tests (21 day tests) so last time I got a positive ovulation was mid July then I had a period like last week July/first week august, didn’t take letrozole in august and got a negative 21 day blood test but now I’m on CD 35 and called my doctor to induce my period and she told me to take a test and call back when it was negative, so I took my first test totally forgot about it went to the store came back and I had a faint line I figured it was an evap since I forgot about it so I took another one and got another faint line and the second one so I took a 3rd and same thing, I called my doctor back cause wtf? And they’re closed now till Tuesday, I’m at a loss cause they said I didn’t ovulate I’m august ?? But are these positives??