I need prayers and well wishes please


As if going back to work after having a baby isn’t hard enough… I work as a correction Officer and since there’s been staff shortages, it’s become common to be left on post for 24+ hours with no meal breaks. I don’t even care about not having a meal but I need to pump since my baby has been exclusively breastfed until now. But I worry about my supply and besides that… how do I go to work without knowing when I’ll see the light of day… see my baby, my 5 yr old and my fiancé? I’m so near tears every time I think about it. I don’t understand how the department and city have let it get this bad. Both officers/staff and inmates are getting hurt and still no one is doing anything about it. Please pray for me because I’m so heartbroken to go back and it’s already dangerous enough without this mindset.