First Cycle on Clomid what day did you get a peak?!!

Jessica • @jessajarrell follow me on TikTok

Hello! I’m on my first round of clomid after ttc for cycle 19. ( 50mg)

My OB decided it was time to give this a try. Without Clomid I usually get my peak at CD 13 but this cycle ( the first on clomid) My OPK lines are staying pretty light and the digital keeps saying high ( blinking smiley) so now I’m confused. My last dose was on Cycle Day 9 and I’m CD13 now and I am curious when you got your peak? Also I have noticed no side affects at all. I usually get ovulation cramps bad and nothing yet. The reason why this is so important is my husband works crazy crazy hours so My window is slim 😢🥺

Thank you so verrrryy much!!!