Seeking advice from recent stay-at-home parents

CBH✨ (she/her) • 41yo mama to Maslow (6/27/21). Montessori-ish, pro-science, pro-choice, anti-racist, anti-fascist, queer & vegan.

My babe is ten weeks old. I’ve been super fortunate to have my partner home with us thus far since he is a teacher and my babe was born right at the start of his summer break. That said… he goes back to work on Thursday and I am feeling pretty anxious.

I feel like we are pretty well in the swing of things. We have a great “division of labor” so to speak, my babe is thriving, I’m past most of the baby blues stuff, I feel confident like 90% of the time. However, being alone for ten hours a day feels a little daunting. I know many people have to do this far sooner than I do, some even immediately after birth but I can’t shake this anxious feeling.

We’ve already sorted out a loose plan for how things will go when he gets home from work every day. He will shower to get the COVID yucks off 😂 then take over so I can catch an hour break of self-care, then I’ll make dinner and try to get a few things done and he will do the bedtime routine every night. We’ll spend an hour together after babe goes to bed, then I’ll pump and go to sleep.

Do any of you have pointers on making this transition more manageable? I’m especially worried about making time to pump as I’m primarily an exclusive pumper due to some feeding challenges / supply issues.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts and tips ♥️

(Cross posted for exposure)