I cried in a steak n shake bathroom today


This morning I decided today was going to be the day I accept my new body. I donated all of my pre-pregnancy jeans to a local high school, and my husband went with me to go shopping for new jeans and shorts. The number on the tag was disheartening, but to look in the mirror at jeans that fit me (and weren’t maternity) made me feel so much better. Not to mention my husband cheering me on outside the fitting room 🤣

We stopped at steak n shake to eat before going grocery shopping, and when we got our food a worker came up to me and said, “I noticed your little belly! When are you due?” Now, I know my hormones make me a little more sensitive these days but when I tell you I started BALLING as soon as this lady walked away from the table 😭😭 I looked at my husband with tears streaming down my face and he just knew how much that comment hurt me. I went to the bathroom because I couldn’t get it together, and my husband got to go boxes and that was the end of what started to be a good day.

Ya know, I just don’t get it. Why would anyone ever walk up to a complete stranger and comment on their stomach? This lady had about 100 pounds on me and I would never think to comment on that….? I feel pretty stupid getting so upset over it, but that’s the first time in as long as I can remember that I genuinely had my feelings hurt to that degree.

I also know there wasn’t any malice behind her comment. But…what if I was just chubby and not pregnant at all? What if I suffered a miscarriage and didn’t get to bring my baby home? You just never know what someone is going through, and truthfully, it’s nobody else’s business either.

Be kind to one another and most importantly, mind your own business ☝️ Thanks for listening.