1 day until period


Wish me luck! I really hope tomorrow is the day I get my BFP. I have been exhausted, having dizziness and headaches and some nausea for about 3-4 days. The fatigue is the worse one, feels like I can’t get enough sleep.

Today I ate breakfast and have been working on school work (I’m in nursing school, graduate in December 🎉) so fed my 3 year old lunch and we went outside for fresh air. I wasn’t hungry so waited to eat. Sitting outside for 10 mins and I ran inside and started dry heaving 😩 that lasted 10-15 mins until I made some toast and ate and now I’m fine.

I had tested the last couple days including today and all negatives. I have been using these dip strips from Amazon so not sure if those can’t pick up small amounts if I am. I really believe I am with all my symptoms 🤞🏻

baby dust to everyone ✨