Help please!


So we have been TTC for three months now, and this time around I have decided to try ovulation sticks to help with pinpointing my peak time. I also had a bunch of friends and family members recommend to me to have sex every other day instead of every day. I am going to upload my calendar and my ovulation sticks. We tried on 9/6, took yesterday off and then tried today 9/8 (according to my app it’s the day before I ovulate) But then, according to my ovulation sticks, last night at 8pm was my “peak time” but we didn’t have sex until 7am this morning. Last night when I uploaded my ovulation stick it said “high chances” but then as soon as I uploaded my ovulation stick this afternoon, it switched last nights from “high” to “peak” (grrrrr)

My question is, should my husband and I have sex again tonight and tomorrow? Or just tomorrow morning to give it 24 hours? I know the rule of thumb is every other day, but my peak time has passed and my chances to conceiving are still high according to the ovulation sticks. What would you do? Try to get as much in right now? Or stick to rule of thumb and let my husband “reload” persay lol