Kids at Weddings


How do people feel about kids being at weddings?

I come from a culture that invites the entire family to a wedding, children and babies included. I went to probably dozens of weddings growing up.

As an adult now with a child, I’ve noticed every wedding is child-free. Now, I completely understand it is the couple throwing the party and it is entirely their right to choose who’s invited. At the same time, it does make me sad to not be able to share this fun party and family memory with my kid. Weddings were so much fun for me as a child. I would play with my cousins, dance, run around, drink soda and stay up late.

My parents were always courteous about bringing us, they would never leave early, we usually didn’t get our own plate and they would gift more to the couple.

I’m sure a lot of couples like to be kid-free for the night and leave their kids with a babysitter. But it would be nice if just once someone would invite kids so they could experience a wedding too!